Dance Canada – Blue Mountain

Blue Mountain Inn Conference Centre 242 Jozo Weider Blvd, Town Of The Blue Mountains, ON, Canada

Dance Canada is committed to making each competition an exceptional

Xtreme Dance Champions – Alliston 2

Nottawasaga Inn Resort & Conference Centre 6015 Highway 89, Alliston, ON, Canada

Xtreme Dance Champions (XDC) is a novel and creative competition

Bedazzled Dance – Peterborough

Showplace Performance Centre 290 George Street North, Peterborough, ON, Canada

Bedazzled is one of North America’s leading Dance Competitions. We

View Dance Challenge – Hamilton 1

McIntyre Performing Arts Centre 135 Fennell Avenue West, Hamilton, ON, Canada

VIEW Dance Challenge is Canada's top dance competition, which is

Dance Attack – Chatham

Chatham Capitol Theatre 238 King Street West, Chatham, ON, Canada

We are excited to present the DANCE ATTACK COMPETITION, an